End the food drama, eat like a slim woman, and stay that way.
You want to stop eating uncontrollably. You want to stop eating foods that make you fat. You want to diet and lose weight. You hate the way you look and feel. You want the pain to end and to feel great and feel comfortable in your own skin. Every night, you vow you’ll start dieting tomorrow, but then you eat something “out of order”, tell yourself you’ve put your diet on a temporary hold, and eat everything in sight one last time before you “diet tomorrow”.
You repeat this process over and over. Eventually, you realise you haven’t dieted for ages—you’re just eating the same way every day. Meanwhile, the life you want—where you’re slim, attractive, and happy—slips further and further away. And the shame, regret, and disappointment you always feel after overeating and yet another diet failure compounds and makes you feel sadder and lonelier. You’re caught in a trap you can’t even see.
If food keeps pulling you in but you need to pull back, you don’t need another “tomorrow” diet promise—you need a system that actually works.
Introducing The Trim Woman System
The Trim Woman System is for women who constantly battle food. For those who begin every day vowing to stick to their diet, only to buckle at 3 p.m., eating an entire block of chocolate and one last supper. It’s for those who are miserable fat and want to be slim more than anything else in the world. And it’s for those who turn to food for things it can’t provide, only to feel sad, angry, and depressed because of it.
When you diet, you have two key goals: to stick to the diet and to lose weight. Everything needs to orient towards those two goals and you must defend against anything that might get in your way or take you back to old ways. I think there are five parts to that. As such, The Trim Woman System, called TRIMS, consists of five steps. Each step is repeated daily.
TRIMS: Fix Your Relationship With Food And Walk Away Slim
TheTrim Woman System—For Women Who Want The Keys To The Dieting Kingdom:
Time To Break Food’s Grip: If I told you that food isn't your lover or your best friend—that it can only offer fleeting happiness—you'd nod in agreement. Yet part of you resists letting go. This part clings to food like that ex you kept going back for more, even though you knew better, romanticising the highs while conveniently forgetting the lows. Food is familiar, unconditional, and immediate. But until this part of you realises there’s better love (and life) out there, you'll keep returning for 'just one more taste'—while your slim self stays waiting backstage.
Right Person Dieting: Having convinced that lingering part of you, it’s time to transfer authority. If you want the weight to go, the scale to drop, and your dress size to shrink, a systematic diet—not your food-loving self—needs to be in charge. The key is to craft a diet that respects your food history while fitting your preferences and the realities of your day-to-day life. When your plan aligns with your personality, habits, and lifestyle, the daily struggles fade—and a slender waistline follows.
Include Exercise: I know you probably don’t like it—I don’t either—but fat falls off faster when you pair it with a strong diet. And I’m not even talking about torching calories. Exercise locks in your diet for the day. Nobody wants to waste a run. But more than that, it reshapes you. Slim people don’t just move more—they think differently. Exercise isn’t just what they do. It’s who they are. You don’t become slim by copying their habits. You become slim by living them. Move your body like a slim woman, and you won’t just look like her—you’ll be her. It’s the direct opposite of overeating.
Map Out Your Day: When your days once revolved around food, eating, and weight, successful dieting can leave a void. Without food structuring your time, your days are wide open. It’s crucial to fill them—not just to protect your progress, but to flip into living. Stay busy. Try new things. Get involved. If you’re left ruminating about food, cravings will take over and be your undoing. That’s why, during your high-risk eating times, we lock in a plan—so eating isn’t even an option.
Strike A Look: Yes, dressing up takes effort, but it serves a useful purpose—it turns you off overeating and protects your diet. Think about it: we plough our way through a pizza and chocolate cake when we’re in a holey t-shirt and old tracksuit, not when we’re in our best dress, face on, and hair done. When you like what you see in the mirror, you get a stopgap, a pause, a second chance to get things right.
Michelle F., Melbourne
“I’ve spent 30 years trying to lose weight and keep it off. Now, I’ve gone from a size 18 to a size 12, and I know I’ll never go back. I’ve thrown out all my old clothes because I’m never going to need them again. This is who I am now.”
Kym H., New York
“My husband had just left me when I started working with you, and the pain was unbearable. I couldn’t handle the sadness or pressure anymore, and I couldn't stop eating. I decided to give you a try. In the first six weeks, I went through my whole house and lost 12 lb. In the next six weeks, I lost another 9 lb. I can't thank you enough.”
Tracey D., Adelaide
“Before I started, I was 94 kg. Now I’m 72 kg. I’ve lost 22 kg, and I only have 20 kg to go. This feels easy. I’m even sharing my food plan with friends to help them. Thank you, Melinda.”
The TRIMS Process
Above are the five steps I use to correct a bad relationship with food. I’ll help you put your diet in place and solidify it—with steps 1 and 2. Then, I’ll urge you to get the slim look with steps 3-5. I’m dead serious about diet and weight loss because the last thing I want is for you to stay stuck in pain, sad all the time, hating yourself and your life. I could go on about how dire it is for you to get a grip on food and eating and get into the slim lane. But the only one you ought to listen to is your slim self—the one screaming in your ear for air.
My role isn’t to hand you a diet or police your food choices. It’s to help you short-circuit your current eating and reset and fine-tune it so that you look and feel great in your fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond. I do this by using my program to uncover what works for you—your ideal diet, what you consider healthy, the figure you desire, and most importantly, understanding what caused food to mean so much to you in the first place and what needs to be done about it.
I work in a highly structured, methodical way—to ensure lasting results and that each step is fully established before moving on to the next. I’ll guide you every step of the way. I believe your intake sets the scales. I don’t focus on medications, genetics, or hormones, because I know that weight stems from low self-esteem, a hunger to be ravished, and a deep desire to feel fire and attractive—because, truth told, no woman alive would choose a piece of cake over a fit male chest or a strong bicep.
What’s Inside The 12 Weeks:
You get my personal eyes on your relationship with food, eating, and slim self—so you can take the heat out of food, be in full control of your eating, and finally lose the weight. Together, we go deep into The Trim Woman System, tailoring it to you, your struggles, and your life, so nothing stands between you and your slim self.
This will be your SAFE PLACE to talk all things food, dieting, overeating, emotional eating, bingeing, and snacking. We’re your weight loss team—we’re in this together. We get you because we ARE you. No judgment. Just women like you who want to take charge of their relationship with food.
We are kind, supportive, and bold. Together we can thrive in a world of food. Because when you take charge of food, everything in your life gets better.
When we share, we get stronger. We’re so happy you found us.
Deep, shared conversations about your eating, thinking, and slim self—so you can hear from others, stay in the game, and see real progress every single week—plus an extra opportunity beyond your private call to get personal support and YOUR questions answered!
You don’t have to do this alone. Inside, you’ll find women just like you—cheering you on, keeping you accountable, and helping you stay focused so you can finally get your figure back.
Slagging Off Diets Hasn’t Made Women Slimmer—Dieting Has…
TRIMS is not another diet—it’s the way to get your figure back.
Underneath your struggle with food is your slim self, and we get to her through diet. TRIMS keeps food at a distance and a lid on your eating. The person with the problem with food can’t be the one to control it, so we hand that responsibility over to the diet.
Diets aren’t hard or scary. They’re not deprivation, boredom, macros, or carbs. They’re a human resource—an excavation tool—the best way to unearth the slim woman screaming for air within you. When it comes to food drama, eating less, and weight loss, diets stand alone. You’ve got no closer ally in the world of food.
If food runs your life, if you’re stuck in a body you hate, if you’re sapped sad by your eating and always plagued by cravings, TRIMS is how you break free. Not by swearing off food like a bad ex, but by changing the way you think and relate to it.
Dieting only works when you know how to work it—otherwise, it’s a hard slog. Diets aren’t one-dimensional, and they’re not therapists. It’s not just you and the diet—there are players involved, and hunger and cravings are two of the biggest. You have to work with them from the start, like they’re live beings.
And a diet won’t fix your relationship with food any more than a new car will fix a marriage. There’s work to do up top. You need both a diet and a slimming philosophy—and that’s what TRIMS is. A new way to think, relate, act, and behave in the world of food.
Important Information…
The Trim Woman System is always open for enrolment. You can join anytime, start the program when you're ready, and access the Trim Woman group for three months as you go through the program.
If you think you have a dieting problem, you don’t—you have a food problem. Some foods make you lose your grip, throw in the towel, and go hell for leather for the last time ever before you swear to start “fresh tomorrow.”
Dieting isn’t hard. What’s hard is trying to diet while keeping the very foods that make you break it. The real issue isn’t you—it’s the nonsense weight loss tips everyone now believes, like “everything in moderation” of the very thing that always ends badly.
In this free guide, I’ll show you:
Why some foods pull you in faster than a bad ex—and how to cut them loose for good
Why quitting problem foods makes dieting easier, not harder
Why dieting’s downsides aren’t the full story—there’s also getting your figure back, feeling confident and attractive again, and actually living instead of watching from the sidelines
Dieting works when you’re smart about it. Let’s get you skilled up. Open to know why you keep eating the same stuff over and over.
Hi, I’m Melinda Harper,
I’m a diet and weight loss coach in Melbourne. Like most women, my life is busy too—juggling work, three teenagers, school trips, and dinner (which is often plain and late). Some nights, homework doesn’t get started until 10 p.m., and I’m still moving around, finishing things up. We live by the bay, but rarely get there, and I spend more time on Zoom than I care to admit. But I wouldn’t change it—because the only thing I love more than helping my clients is being a mum to my kids. And they’re, after all, the reason I’m doing all this in the first place!
I struggled to break away from food and overeating for over twenty years. All I wanted was to be slim. Every night I vowed to diet in the morning and never eat like that again, but I always did. One day, I looked back and realised that I hadn’t actually dieted in ages. I’d just eaten the same way every day.
That’s when it clicked. I’d always read diet books from the eighties. They understood the food control and look I wanted. They made food sense. Many were written by older women who had overcome their problems with food, and the more I read, the more I realised—many of them had gotten it right.
But somewhere along the way, things changed. I saw that the current frown on diets and women for not being happy with their bodies was not helping women—it was making things harder. That’s when I saw the answer: pair the smart, diet know-how of the women in the 80’s with what we now understand about food.
And that’s why I do what I do today.
I want all women who’ve struggled with food and weight to have space to speak openly about it, pursue the body they want, and live freely. I want you to feel fully present in your life, thrive in all your roles, and smile when you see yourself in the mirror.
If I can do it, so can you. I’ll teach you a back-to-basics approach that, if you follow it, will separate you from food and lead you to chic confidence. Regardless of how long you’ve struggled or how many “food crimes” you’ve committed, trust me—it’s possible to make your food and weight problems disappear and get your figure back.
If you want to be slim again, I’ll show you how. If you’re ready to start, I’m here for you.
The Weight Is Over,